woensdag 13 juni 2007

200 000 mensen op de been voor 2 schepen...

De grootste passagiersschepen ter wereld waren samen in Sydney (sinds WOII was dit niet meer gebeurd). Dat had ik nu ook wel willen zien, se, het moet indukwekkend geweest zijn...

Maar het was in februari en ik zal me dus moeten troosten met de idee dat ik toch niets gezien zou hebben door al het volk. We kunnen maar hopen dat we het ook eens mogen meemaken...

'Sydney was thrown into chaos yesterday as 200,000 spectators scrambled to witness the arrival of the world’s largest passenger ship, the Queen Mary 2, and its sister ship the Queen Elizabeth 2.

In scenes not seen since the Bicentennial celebrations in 1988, thousands of people flocked to the Sydney Harbour foreshores to witness the two giants dock at Circular Quay.

So unprecedented was the interest in the two ships’ arrival that local authorities were caught off their guard and appeared unprepared for the traffic jams and overcrowding of public spaces around the Harbour.

Many were left to vent their frustrations at the Government and local authorities, while Premier Morris Iemma today went as far as apologising for the city’s apparent lack of preparation for such a big event.

The city’s roads and transport infrastructure were put under incredible strain as crowds filled the harbour foreshore disrupting traffic and train and ferry services.

Some drivers were forced to wait for hours in gridlocked traffic both in the city’s CBD and on major arterial roads.

But the congestion of the city is still not over yet, police warn. More traffic chaos is expected tomorrow in anticipation of the expected arrival of US Vice-President Dick Cheyney from 5.30pm tomorrow.'

21 Februari 2007

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